
Today it is the day of the divorced child, a good day to put ourselves in the shoes of children with divorcing or divorced parents or children who are sensing that a divorce might be upcoming. Through my daughter’s stories of children in her class......

This podcast shines the light on a very interesting subject in relationships: financial imbalance. The podcast guides you in making a topic like this part of a dialogue to prevent resentment and letting it come in the way of the relationship itself instead of letting......

The Dutch Tax Authorities have published a checklist you can fill in to see what your situation is after the divorce fiscally. In the Netherlands there are a lot of special benefits (toeslagen) and deductions you can recieve as expat from the government based on......

Money makes the world go round, but a good conversation about finances is passionately avoided by most loved ones and labelled as absolutely not romantic. This while being well informed about your husband’s financial situation significantly increases the chance of a successful marriage. The fact......

That it would be good if what changed in divorce-land was clear to everyone. However, a divorce is so much more than a legal thing; ending a marriage or settling marital conditions. It is an experience in a human life. A phase. If you see......

I recently attended the theatre play/talk programme Goed Scheiden in the Stadsschouwburg in Amsterdam. One of the panel members (an adviser to the Supreme Court) responded to the repeated remark on that day that 80% of divorces are supposed to go “well”. He pointed out that......

Today is Blue Monday, or Depression Monday, according to psychologist Cliff Arnall the most depressing day of the year, based on a formula that has since been strongly criticized. According to Arnall, people are supposed to be so depressed by failed good intentions and the days being so dark....

Afscheid nemen is een beetje sterven zong Edith Piaf. Als mensen uit elkaar gaan doet dat pijn en verdriet. Anders in de wedstrijd  Iedereen is verschillend en gaat anders met een scheiding om. Wat het extra moeilijk maakt is dat bij een scheiding de ene......

De tekst maakte diepe indruk op mij omdat de zanger uit eigen ervaring beschreef wat de impact van de scheiding van zijn ouders op hem maakte en hoe graag hij een wezenlijk gesprek met hen had willen hebben. Nu bleef hij met allerlei vragen zitten en voelde hij zich boos en alleen......

Let me get straight to the point. The answer is no. With mediation, the parties are guided in making agreements about a certain situation. In family law mediations, such as divorces and visitation arrangements, it is essentially about ending a certain situation and making agreements about the desired new situation....