About Ms L.I. Boomsma-Shriber

Laura Boomsma-Shriber stands for a positive approach to family law. She combines extensive legal expertise and experience with a personal approach. In her practice, she has an eye for much more than just the legal aspects. As mediator and coach, she always seeks a healthy balance of human, legal and financial interests. In her tailor-made approach, the autonomy and self-reliance of the client are always central.


As estate and divorce mediator, collaborative divorce practitioner and solicitor, Laura Boomsma-Shriber guides people in finding a realistic and supported solution to diverse issues. This goes beyond a divorce. Professional guidance can be effective at any time that dialogue or choices are needed in relationships.

Working on support

Her approach to conflict management is based on collaboration, equality and perseverance. The people involved – both parties and professionals – only come to the best solution in dialogue with sufficient support. This creates new hope for the future. Because only when a phase is well completed can clients move on, apart from each other but connected, with their lives. Her personal and effective approach requires sufficient confidence to work towards a concrete result in dialogue and with open access to all information. That is what Ms Boomsma-Shriber commits to, 100 percent each time.

Mediator and Solicitor

Laura Boomsma-Shriber is specialized and experienced in personal, family and inheritance law. Because she is an expert solicitor with extensive experience in the business, she is able to deploy her know-how in the right way as a mediator.

Mr. L.I. Boomsma-Shriber has registered the following principal (and secondary) legal practice areas in the Netherlands Bar’s register of legal practice areas (rechtsgebiedenregister):

– Family Law

– Inheritance Law

Based on this registration she is required to acquire 10 education points for each registered legal practice area yearly according to the norms of the Dutch Bar Asscocation.

vFAS en VvCP

Ms Boomsma-Shriber is affiliated with the Dutch Association of Family and Inheritance Law Solicitors Divorce Mediators, vFAS. She followed the Inheritance Law and the Legal Specialization Family Law Training exclusively for experienced specialized family law solicitors, the vFAS Mediation Training and the Divorce Mediator Training.


Ms Boomsma-Shriber is a Collaborative Divorce solicitor and a member of the Association of Collaborative Professionals (VvCP). She is also an estate mediator, certified online mediator and step-parent coach. In addition, she followed the Level I and II programmes of the Gottman method for relationship therapy, aimed at restoring or improving the mutual relationship of couples.

Would you like to know what Ms Boomsma-Shriber can do for you? Please contact us for a telephone conversation.

Ms L.I. Boomsma-Shriber is affiliated with: