Collaborative divorce

Divorce is a major event. Despite the emotions, it is important to remain in consultation with each other and to settle practical matters properly. Collaborative divorce offers a clear basis for reaching good agreements in good mutual consultation and outside court. In the event of a collaborative divorce, you and your ex-partner have your own solicitors, who agree not to litigate against each other. In addition, the discussions are led by a specially trained coach. All parties involved – solicitor, coach, psychologist, child coach and any financial advisors – are familiar with and work together according to the same protocol. As a result, the process is completely transparent, and the divorce can proceed in a respectful and positive way, without the intervention of the court. Ms Boomsma-Shriber has been trained as a collaborative divorce solicitor and has extensive experience with this effective approach.

Broad support

A collaborative divorce is a collaborative process that benefits everyone. The focus is on consultation and not on competition and confrontation. If both partners agree to this approach, Ms Boomsma-Shriber and the other solicitor form a support team. In addition to solicitors, the team consists of a professional coach or psychologist who also ensures that emotions receive sufficient attention. If necessary, a child coach will also be involved to safeguard the interests of children. Furthermore, a neutral financial expert is part of the team. The process is carefully and expertly supervised based on a clear protocol. All parties shall cooperate with full transparency and in good consultation. All this serves to achieve realistic and future-proof agreements with broad support.

Eye for those involved

By remaining in consultation, ex-partners work on sustainable solutions that they both support. The chance of a destructive divorce is minimized in this way. A collaborative divorce takes into account the wishes and interests of all parties involved and is based on multidisciplinary cooperation. This prevents lengthy and costly lawsuits that also have a great impact on the lives of ex-partners, children and other people involved. After completing the collaborative divorce process, former partners can resume their lives in a positive way.

Do you have questions about collaborative divorce? Please contact Ms Boomsma-Shriber for information and advice.